วันศุกร์ที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

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081-929 3481

วันจันทร์ที่ 26 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Bamboo Charcoal In Japan

bamboo charcoal

The charcoal has special functions for super microporosity.
The bamboo charcoal is stronger in functions.
The bamboo charcoal has little charm for fuel.
However, the functions such as purification,  deodorization, the dehumidification are very superior.
Japanese have used high functions of the bamboo charcoal.
Japanese regards bamboo charcoal as the superior item which is good for health and environment.

[Bamboo charcoal]
It was known from ancient times that there was mysterious power in bamboo.
We made the bamboo to charcoal carefully.
There are a lot of small apertures in the bamboo charcoal. The aperture absorbs moisture and a smell strongly, and it has the sterilizing property.
You please use the bamboo charcoal, and please live wonderful life.

[Antioxidation of the oil]
The bamboo charcoal prevents the oxidation. You can prevent the oxidation of the oil when you put bamboo charcoal in the oil after cooking deep-fried food.
The oil which you used is easy to be oxidized, and not good in health.
It is hard to oxidize when you put the charcoal in oil.
Impurities in the oil are removed when you put charcoal in high temperature oil when you fry food in oil, and it is possible for delicious deep-fried food.

[Purification of the water]
The bamboo charcoal removes an impure material. If bamboo charcoal is put in the drinking water, impurities such as chlorine are lost, and it becomes a mellow, delicious water.
Please use the charcoal for coffee, tea, etc. and to cook. The taste improves.
It is good to use the mechanism of not the chemical but nature for environment and health.
Please use the charcoal after brushing dust washing it in water. Please put the charcoal in the glass with the drinking water, and drink the water after several hours. Water never blackens.

[Miraculous charcoal]
Charcoal is a fuel, and charcoal purifies Japanese living conditions, fertilizes the soil, enriches the farm production, and is promoted.
Charcoal has a mysterious function in many fields, and the utility value is wide surprisingly.
Even if the chemical looks alike to the function as for charcoal, the character is different.
Even if you use charcoal more than the proper quantity, charcoal never causes harm. Charcoal is not ineffectual even if you use it fewer than the proper quantity.
The effect weakens gradually when using it for purification or the deodorization though charcoal can be used repeatedly washing. The effect cannot be maintained to unrestricted.
Please put on the soil of the planter, the flower bed, and the tree etc. when you do not use charcoal. Or please bury it under the soil.
Because charcoal is the one made from the plant, the growth of vegetation is helped.
Charcoal is not waste, and keeps working at the environment through all eternity.
Japanese have enriched the forest further by using charcoal that is the blessing of the forest well.
Nature in the city becomes better with charcoal, too.


ที่มา : http://www.momo7.jp/main/modules/sen_forest/?page_id=46

ลุงยักษ์ เฒ่าเผาถ่านพิทักษ์โลก

วันพุธที่ 21 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Salt That Heals From The Inside Out – True Bamboo Medicine

by Stacey Irwin
January 11, 2010
Bamboo Salt 
      Salt has earned a bad reputation with us.  We hear constantly that it causes hypertension, heart disease, high blood pressure and weight gain (among other things).  However, the human body needs a certain amount of salt to survive.  The distinction between healthy and unhealthy lies in the amount of salt we ingest, and also what type of salt we use.

      Most people choose common table salt which contains high levels of sodium and is stripped of more than 60 trace minerals during the refinement process.  Table salt is also cleaned, bleached and treated so even as the healthy elements are removed, unhealthy elements are being added.  In addition, to make the table salt more consumer friendly, anti caking agents are added to make sure the salt does not clump together in its packaging. These anti caking agents do not dissolve in our systems so they build up and deposit in our organs and tissues.

bamboo sea salt

Thankfully, there are several alternatives to table salts, including Bamboo Salt.

        Over 1000 years ago, Korean doctors and monks used bamboo salt to treat internal maladies ranging from fevers to diarrhea.  They made bamboo salt tablets by inserting salt in a thick bamboo stub and baking it at high temperatures with pine tree firewood. The modern manufacturing of bamboo salt has been refined to enhance the healing properties of bamboo salt.  Using bamboo trees of at least 3 years old, the salt is sealed within the bamboo using unpolluted yellow clay and then baked 8 times in a specially designed furnace.  Baking the bamboo salt in such high temperatures allows for the salt to absorb highly therapeutic trace elements including copper, zinc and iron and it also eliminates any impurities and heavy metals from the salt that can cause damage to the body.

Bamboo salt serves many functions in maintaining our health:

It serves as a natural detoxifying agent.  Because bamboo salt generates large amounts of saliva and gastric juice, it allows for the complete digestion of our food, keeping toxins from building up in the intestine and bloodstream.  Bamboo salt also has a strong penetrative ability so it is able to eliminate toxins from the body quickly and efficiently.

It is a powerful antioxidant which helps cleanse the body and heal damaged cells.  For this quality alone, more and more cancer researchers are starting to look at the role of bamboo salt as it inhibits the growth of cancerous cells.

It provides energy.  When heated, the bamboo salt releases a strong far-infra red light that makes the hydrogen atoms in body fluid to vibrate at a rate of 1 trillion times per second.  This promotes a higher metabolism and regenerates cells at a quicker rate.

bamboo bath salts 

It is a strong antibacterial agent.  Because bamboo salt balances the essential ratio of trace elements and pH of body fluid, it eliminates germs from the body (germs cannot survive in human blood with the balanced pH level of 7.35 – 7.45).

It is a treasure trove of minerals and trace elements.  This trait alone has more benefits than can fit on this page.  The balance of copper and zinc ward off anemia by allowing for greater iron absorption.  The presence of magnesium reduces cholesterol in the blood and takes the role of a natural tranquilizer in protecting the nerves.  The natural balance of potassium and sodium ward off chronic diseases and maintain healthy heart function.  And the list goes on and on….


     Salt, when taken in the right form, serves a greater role in our lives than mere seasoning.  Choosing to incorporate bamboo salt through food intake, bath salt or even tablets, will enhance your healthy lifestyle. After taking that relaxing bamboo salt bath, wrap yourself in the warmth of plush bamboo towels to complete your luxurious experience. There is nothing more comforting that the qualities bamboo has to offer.

       Here are some places we found to carry some wonderful bamboo salt products:
Skinbotanica carries bamboo bath salts as well as other bamboo cleansing products.
Salt Traders, LLC carries delicious bamboo sea salt for cooking.
The Green Bean Company offers bamboo roasted sea salt and donates 20% of its proceeds to social and environmental charities.

    If you are a big fan of bamboo’s wonderful qualities, be sure to take a look at our bamboo remedies section for more great posts! And, remember to check out our monthly bamboo recipes under our bamboo flavors section for delicious meals for your family.

ที่มา :  http://blog.greenearthbamboo.com/20100111/bamboo-remedies/salt-that-heals-from-the-inside-out-true-bamboo-medicine/

ลุงยักษ์ เฒ่าเผาถ่านพิทักษ์โลก 

วันศุกร์ที่ 16 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

What is Bamboo Salt?

What is Bamboo Salt?
Article by Korean Craftsman Association 

      Being a mysterious medicine that our ancestors had taken from ancient times for care of several diseases that ranges from small cuts to incurableness, the Bamboo Salt now newly came into being by developing, modifying, and analyzing it according to the secret method that was presently opened up but has long been handed down in the Buddhist temples or among few persons. 

      Being a compound into which nucleus elements inside of a sun dried-sea-salt that is collected in the western beach and the elements inside of a bamboo are combined on high temperature by the properties of mineral substance inside of clean, yellow soil, the Bamboo Salt helps to radically cure all the aversions that come from a lack of salt, the nucleus elements help to do sterilization, and the minerals help cell production.
In old days, our ancestors used to use it as a digester, a sterilizer and a disinfectant and for the several diseases of the mouth, neck, ear, nose and eye, and it also been said to have been used as a folk medicine for swelling, flu, incurableness, etc. 

      Being one of the best presents among the ones that our ancestors had handed over to us for cure of diseases; it is the Bamboo Salt that has mysterious efficacy.
Should we really believe: 'the theory that the salt is harmful' as it is? 

      The theory 'that if you used to eat salty foods, you have been easily attacked with hypertension or cancer' has been flourished nowadays and because of that, many people today have held the 'Eat-less-salt Movement'. Also, according to a recent investigation report, 95% of Korean housewives make their dish not properly salted and try to eat less, salted foods, such as, soy sauce, soybean paste, thick soy paste mixed with red peppers, kimch'i, etc. In addition to that, it is said that many Korean are attacked with hypertension because Korean take 30g of salt per day that is 3 times as much as the quantity that W.H.O. recommends. 

      Is really the geriatric diseases, such as hypertension, arteriosclerosis, etc have now been increased continuously because we take much salt?

      From ancient times, our Koreans have used to take many salty dishes. We used to serve on the table the salty food, such as, soy sauce, thick soy paste mixed with red peppers, kimch'i, pickled sea foods, each and every hard-boiled foods, etc. But, there are no records that a lot of our ancestors had been attacked with hypertension, and also only few people attacked with arteriosclerosis. Why? In addition to that, how do we explain the phenomena that the number of people be attacked with hypertension and arteriosclerosis have increased radically though we presently eat less number of salty foods than before? And the average age of the Eskimos is below 40 though they take little salt, and the Germans who are one of the tribes that are believed to live longer, eat more than 25 g of salt per day. 

      How would we explain that?

    Besides the facts mentioned above, there are many examples that could refute the conclusive theory that salt is harmful and the cause of geriatric diseases. As a result, we have to keep it in mind that good salt is good for our health but bad salt is harmful for. Strictly speaking, the salt we usually eat, so-called {Refined Salt}is not a salt but only a chemical. The refined salt is made by excluding several, very small amount of elements that is good for health, such as potassium sulfate, magnesium sulfate, potassium chloride, magnesium chloride, iron, iodine, gold, etc. from sun dried salt. This is because the sun-dried, salt, they believe, is dirty and tastes bad. And the refined salt is the salt that is composed of 99.8% of poisonous, sodium chloride. Presently, virtually all the people of the world take this refined salt, but only a few, backward countries in Africa takes non-refined salt. Like this, all the people of the world today takes refined, chemical salt instead of natural, sun-dried salt, and when we thinks that this is the result that we follows the up-to-date medical science and sought for the convenience and cleanness, it is not so fortunate case. As a result, we knew that it is necessary to change our thought that the salt is harmful and it is more important that we select and take good salt by counting the quality of salt than that we control the amount we take, i.e. a lump of bamboo salt baked twice. 

      Bamboo Salt, where does its amazing efficacy come from? 

      It is very frustrating thing that we couldn't totally know the mysterious efficacy of bamboo salt even with up-to-date medical science. But, inquiring into ancient books on salt, bamboo, pine resin and yellow soil that be used when making Bamboo Salt, we may explain the mystery of Bamboo Salt.

      Salt: Strengthens the bones and sinews, and makes harmonize the intestines. Digests stale food and make man healthy. Helps to cure mental sufferings and drive a wickedness out. Protects one's skin from losing its luster, and removes the medical substance and makes purify the blood. (PON-CH'O-KANG-MOK, HANG-YAK-CHIP-SONG-PANG)
Bamboo oil: Its quality is very cold, taste sweet, and enters the stomach and the heart. It makes the temperature and the congestion cool down, and cures the cough caused by the congestion, severe congestion caused by palsy, convulsion, epilepsy, and tetanus.
(From Eastern Medical Science Dictionary) 

      Pine resin: Makes ease the five vital organs, down the fever, controls the palsy and the wickedness, and cures all kinds of swelling, the swelling on the head, etc., and when putting it to all kinds of swelling, make the skin alive and kills the worm. (DONG-UI-PO-KAM)
Yellow soil: It takes charge of diarrhea, dysentery, the dysentery with diarrhea that becomes white with mucus, pain from eruption inside of the body. And also it removes several kinds of (DONG-UI-PO-KAM)

     Bamboo Salt-manufacturing process
  • Native, Common Bamboo that be raised for 3 years.
  • Cut Bamboo.
  • Put the sun-dried salt inside of the bamboo.
  • Close it up with yellow soil that doesn't contain oily substance.
  • Bamboo pillar that be heaped inside of traditional oven.
  • Heat it on high temperature for 24 hours with pine firewood.
  • Heap the salt oil that be baked 8 times inside of the final oven.
  • Bamboo salt that is melted down like a molten rock at the 1500 of high temperature.
     The crystal of power, True Bamboo Salt has been produced as follows.
  • Cut native, common bamboo that has been raised for more than 3 years.
  • Put the sun-dried salt that is collected in the beach of Paek-Ryong Island and that contains very much quantity of nucleus elements inside of.
  • Close the hole up with yellow soil of Deep Mountain.
  • Put it inside of the traditional yellow soil oven and heat it for 24 hours with fine firewood.
  • When baking it 24 hours on strong fire, the bamboo be burnt up and the salt be hardened to became a shape of white pillar (When this will happen, the bamboo oil be absorbed into the salt).
  • Break the lump into pieces, and again fill it in the bamboo-oil barrel.
  • Repeat the process above 8 times continuously. As we repeat it, it becomes deep in color.
  • At the final, ninth process, heat it with pine resin in not traditional yellow-soil oven, but a stainless steel-made bucket, and keep the temperature of 1500 for a while.
  • The salt is melted down like a molten rock to be hardened like a lump of rock or ice. Bamboo Salt is produced by breaking it into small particles or powder.
      The Crystal of Power

      The Feature of True Bamboo Salt is as follows. 

      The feature of Bamboo Salt is that it be heated in the yellow soil oven 8 times, and that it be sealed off by clean, yellow-soil after putting the sun-dried salt inside of and covering it with wormwood and pine needles. It is also the feature of it that we use only the bamboo that has been raised under the seawind of west cost (It would have been degraded in efficacy if we had used a bamboo imported from abroad.) and that president Chong Kyong-Suk of Korea Craftsman Association, himself, explores the producing district and selects the place where strong power of earth exists according to the theory of the shade and light, and five elements (UM-YANG-O-HAENG) in order to maximize the power. And also, Jon Yong-Jo, the factory manager, always washes his body before manufacturing and we drive the man with wickedness out in the production line. 

What is 'The Dizziness Phenomena'? (Herxheimer Effect)
  • It is the phenomena that brings out in the midst of a course to improve one's physical constitution.
  • It is different from 'Side Effects' and also called as 'Improvement Phenomena'.
  • This is the passing phenomena that brings out when curing the disease that has continued for a long time.
  • In Eastern medical science, there is a Phrase {Without passing the Dizziness Phenomena, the disease would have not been cured.}
  • For example, when we exercise suddenly, we could feel the abnormality of a tissue, such as, swelling on the foot, and when we suddenly stop drinking or smoking, we feel the prohibition phenomena, and when we fast, we also feel the phenomena like this.
The Dizziness phenomenon is the good, improvement phenomena.
  • Atony response - Languid, sleepy, tired and drunken feeling. It usually stops before or after a week would have passed.
  • Hypersensitivity - It be found in the man with constipation, diarrhea, sweating, swelling, pain, chronic illness, and have been continued for about 2 weeks.
  • Evacuation response - Eczema, swelling, pimple, itching sensation, a mucous discharge from the eyes. It is the response by the general counteraction and evacuation of the True Bamboo Salt. Recovery response - Gastralgia, stomachache, vomiting, Pyrexia, palpitation. It is the phenomena in which the bad tissue be destroyed by strengthening and reviving a cell.

True Bamboo Salt 
      It is the mysterious, conventional salt made by filling sun-dried salt of west coast (coarse salt) inside of the native, common bamboo that have been raised for more than 3 years, covering it with pine needles & worm woods, being sealed it off with yellow soil that doesn't contains oily substance and then baking and melting 9 times on the 1200-1500 of high temperature with natural pine knot. 

      Efficacy: It has strong neutralizing power and helps to promote the metabolism by improving the environment inside of the body, controlling the acid and alkali and ionizing specially.

ที่มา : https://www.tibetangold.com/ssl/zc/index.php?main_page=page_21

ลุงยักษ์ เฒ่าเผาถ่านพิทักษ์โลก

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Table Salt Specification of Table Salt

Table Salt Specification of Table Salt
 IS 253 : 1985
Specification for Edible Common Salt

Composition Unit Specification
NaCl % min. 98.5
Moisture % max. 0.3
max. 300
Mg++ ppm max. 500
SO4-- ppm max. 3000
Iodide ppm 20 - 40
K4Fe(CN)6 ppm 10 - 20
Sieve Analysis mm 0.1 - 0.4

ที่มา  :  http://www.gcci.ly/table_salt_specificaion.html

ลุงยักษ์ เฒ่าเผาถ่านพิทักษ์โลก

EDIBLE SALT IS: 253-1985

DIBLE SALT IS: 253-1985
Specification is prescribed for common salt, table salt and dairy salt. Table salt and dairy salt is refined common salt coated with permitted anti-caking agents. Dairy salt is a refined common salt obtained by forced evaporated of treated brine.
The moisture content shall not be more than 6 % in respect of common salt and 0.5 % in respect of table and dairy salt.
The other important characteristic for common salt is that material shell be crystalline white solid. Common salt produced by solar evaporation may not contain anti-caking Agent.

S.No. Characteristics Requirement common salt
1 Chloride content percent by mass, min 96.0
2 Water insoluble matter percent by mass, max 1.0
3 Matter soluble in water other than sodium chloride percent by mass, max 3.0
4 Acid Insoluble matter percent by mass, max -NA-
The table salt shall be coated with suitable free flowing agents such as light basic magnesium carbonate, calcium carbonate, tricalcium phosphate, calcium silicate and aluminium silicate.

As per the notifications No. GSR23 (E) dated 16.1.1981 and GSR 764 (E) dated 15.11.1984 the following specefication (on dry basis )
S.No. Characteristics Requirement common salt
1 Moisture, present by wt. Of the undried sample max 6.0
2 Sodium cloride, percent by wt. Min 96.0
3 Matter insoluble percent by wt. Max 1.0
4 Mattersoluble in water other than sodium cloride
percent by wt. Max
Further, table salt may contain the following ant-caking agents in quantities not exceeding 2.0 either singly or in combination, namely:
1. Carbonates of calcium and magnesium
2. Phophate of calcium and megnesium
3. Silicates of calcium, magnesium, aluminium or sodium or silicon dioxide
4. Myristates, palmitates or atearates of aluminium, ammonium, calcium, potesium or sodium

S.No. Characteristics Requirement common salt
1 Calcium (as Ca) water-soluble percent by mass max. 0.10
2 Magnesium (as Mg) Water soluble percent by mass, max 0.10
3 Sulphate ( as SO4) percent by mass, max.  0.50
4 Acid Insoluble matter percent by mass, max  .20
5 Lead (as Na2 CO3), ppm max  2.0
6 Iron (as Fe), ppm max  50.0
7 Arsenic (as As) ppm max 1.00
8 Copper (as Cu) ppm max  -NA-
9 Chloride content percent by mass, min 97.0
10 Water insoluble matter percent by mass, max 2.2
11 Acid Insoluble matter percent by mass, max 1.5

S.No. Characteristics Requirement common salt
1 Calcium (as Ca) water-soluble percent by mass max. 0.10
2 Magnesium (as Mg) Water soluble percent by mass, max 0.10
3 Sulphate ( as SO4) percent by mass, max.  0.50
4 Acid Insoluble matter percent by mass, max  0.20
5 Lead (as Na2 CO3), ppm max  2.0
6 Iron (as Fe), ppm max  50.0
7 Arsenic (as As) ppm max 1.00
8 Copper (as Cu) ppm max  -NA-
9 Chloride content percent by mass, min 97.0
10 Water insoluble matter percent by mass, max 2.2
11 Acid Insoluble matter percent by mass, max 1.5

S.No. Characteristics Requirement common salt
1 Calcium (as Ca) water-soluble percent by mass max. 0.01
2 Magnesium (as Mg) Water soluble percent by mass, max 0.01
3 Sulphate ( as SO4) percent by mass, max.  0.30
4 Acid Insoluble matter percent by mass, max  0.10
5 Lead (as Na2 CO3), ppm max  2.00
6 Iron (as Fe), ppm max  10.0
7 Arsenic (as As) ppm max 1.00
8 Copper (as Cu) ppm max  2.00
9 Chloride content percent by mass, min 99.6
10 Water insoluble matter percent by mass, max 0.03
11 Acid Insoluble matter percent by mass, max -NA-

IODISED SALT:IS: 7224 - 1985
Iodine is essential component of thyroid hormones, which are needed for :
• Optimal mental & physical development
• Regulation of body metabolism (General & Utilization of body energy)
As per IS standard, the iodizing chemical normally recommended under tropical condition is potassium iodate Daily requirement of iodine
0-11 months 50
12-59 months 90
6-12 Year 120
>= 12 Year 200

S.No. Characteristics Requirement edible common salt
1 Chloride content (as NaCl) percent by mass, min 96.0
2 Iodine content , ppm Min 1.0
3 Mattersoluble in water other than sodium cliride , percent by wt. Max  20.0
4 Acid Insoluble matter percent by mass, max  3.0
The moisture content shall not be more than 6% by mass. The iodised salt shall be packed in jute bags having inside polyethylene linear, close woven jute bags & HDEP bags.

Iodised salt may contain aluminium silicate as an anticaking agent to a maximum extent of 2.0 percent by weight, provided that the total matter insoluble in water shall not exceed 2.2 percent and sodium chloride content shall not be less than 97.0 percent by weight. As per the notification dated 10.11.1987, the specification is as follows:
S.No. Characteristics Requirement edible Iodised salt
1 Moisture, present by wt. Of the undried sample max 6.0
2 Sodium chloride, percent by wt. Min 96.0
3 Matter insoluble percent by wt. Max 1.0
4 Mattersoluble in water other than sodium cliride , percent by wt. Max 3.0
4 Iodine at Manufacturers level ppm min 30.0
4 Iodine at distribution channel including retail level, ppm 15

ที่มา :  http://www.salttradeindia.com/EdibleSaltPFA.aspx

 ลุงยักษ์ เฒ่าเผาถ่านพิทักษ์โลก

วันอังคารที่ 13 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554


Zhejiang Linan
High Potassium Seasoning Bamboo Salt

Off-white or flint grain, salt taste,
with faint aroma
Sodium chloride ≥90.0% 97.25%
Water ≤1.5%    0.14%
Particle size(2-7mm) ≥50% 89%
Acid-insoluble ≤0.30% 0.11%
PH  8-12 11
Potassium 0.5-2.5% 2.44%
Fluorine ≤10.0mg/kg 1.11mg/kg
Lead ≤1.0mg/kg  <0.1mg/kg
Arsenic ≤0.5mg/kg  <0.1mg/kg

Seasoning Bamboo Salt
Off-white or flint grain, salt taste,
with faint aroma
Sodium chloride ≥90.0% 97.25%
Water ≤1.5%    0.14%
Particle size(2-7mm) ≥50% 89%
Acid-insoluble ≤0.30% 0.11%
PH  8-12 11
Potassium 0.5-2.5% 2.44%
Fluorine ≤10.0mg/kg 1.11mg/kg
Lead ≤1.0mg/kg  <0.1mg/kg
Arsenic ≤0.5mg/kg  <0.1mg/kg

Iodine-free Seasoning Bamboo Salt
Off-white or flint grain, salt taste,
with faint aroma
Sodium chloride ≥90.0% 97.25%
Water ≤1.5%    0.14%
Particle size(2-7mm) ≥50% 89%
Acid-insoluble ≤0.30% 0.11%
PH  8-12 11
Potassium 0.5-2.5% 2.44%
Fluorine ≤10.0mg/kg 1.11mg/kg
Lead ≤1.0mg/kg  <0.1mg/kg
Arsenic ≤0.5mg/kg  <0.1mg/kg

Zhejiang Linan
Seasoning salt
  White powder, salt taste
Sodium chloride ≥96.0% 96.02%
Water ≤1.0%    0.68%
Particle size(2-7mm) Pass Pass
Acid-insoluble ≤0.30% 0.13%
PH  8-12 11
Iodine   20-50mg/kg 42mg/kg
Fluorine ≤9.0mg/kg 0.8mg/kg
Lead ≤1.0mg/kg 0.4mg/kg
Arsenic ≤0.5mg/kg  <0.1mg/kg

Zhejiang Linan
Edible salt
 White or French grey powder
salt taste, with faint aroma
Sodium chloride ≥95.0% 95.5%
Water ≤1.5%    0.7%
Particle size(≥1.0mm) ≤10% <1%
Acid-insoluble  ≤0.30% 0.07%
PH  8-12 11
Iodine   20-50mg/kg 39mg/kg
Fluorine ≤10.0mg/kg 0.8mg/kg
Lead ≤1.0mg/kg 0.2mg/kg
Arsenic ≤0.5mg/kg  <0.1mg/kg

มอก. 2085 -2544




ชนิดผง ชนิดป่น ชนิดเม็ด
1   ความชื้น ≤4.0% ≤6.0%  ≤7.0%  มอก. 2085 -2544
2  สารที่ไม่ละลายในน้ำ ≤0.1%  ≤0.3%  ≤0.5%  มอก. 2085 -2544
3  โซเดียมคลอไรดื ≥96.0% ≥94.0% ≥93.0% มอก. 2085 -2544
4  สารประกอบของไดโอดีน
      (คิดเป็นไอโอดีน )
30 mg/kg 30mg/kg 30mg/kg มอก. 2085 -2544

มอก. 2085 -2544
( มิลลิกรัมต่อกิโลกรัม )
ตะกั่ว 2.0 mg/kg มอก. 2085 -2544
สารหนู 0.5 mg/kg มอก. 2085 -2544
ทองแดง 2.0 mg/kg มอก. 2085 -2544
แคดเมียม 0.5 mg/kg มอก. 2085 -2544
ปรอท 0.1 mg/kg มอก. 2085 -2544

มอก.(เกลือ) : http://itc.excise.go.th/tisi/fulltext/TIS2085-2544.pdf

มผช. 1231 - 2549




ชนิดผง ชนิดป่น ชนิดเม็ด
1   ความชื้น ≤4.0% ≤6.0%  ≤7.0%  มผช. 1231 -2549
2  สารที่ไม่ละลายในน้ำ ≤0.5%  ≤0.5%  ≤0.5%  มผช. 1231 -2549
3  โซเดียมคลอไรดื ≥80.0% ≥80.0% ≥80.0% มผช. 1231 -2549
4  สารประกอบของไดโอดีน
      (คิดเป็นไอโอดีน )
30 mg/kg 30mg/kg 30mg/kg มผช. 1231 -2549
มผช. 1231 - 2549
( มิลลิกรัมต่อกิโลกรัม )
ตะกั่ว 2.0 mg/kg มผช. 1231 -2549
สารหนู 0.5 mg/kg มผช. 1231 -2549
ทองแดง 2.0 mg/kg มผช. 1231 -2549
แคดเมียม 0.5 mg/kg มผช. 1231 -2549
ปรอท 0.1 mg/kg มผช. 1231 -2549

มผช.(เกลือสินเธาว)  : http://app.tisi.go.th/otop/pdf_file/tcps1231_49.pdf

บ้านถ่านไม้ไผ่ ไทยอากาศดี
" เกลือไผ่ "
( บันตัน )
Bamboo Salt

( Bunton )

110 หมู่ที่ 1 ต.สำพันตา อ.นาดี จ.ปราจีนบุรี 25220
โทร. 086 786 1880 ( น้อง )
Email : nong_nadee@hotmail.com

ลุงยักษ์ เฒ่าเผาถ่านพิทักษ์โลก